Medium Goldendoodles are the perfect middle-ground size, typically weighing 36 to 50 pounds and standing 17 – 21 inches tall at the top of the shoulder.
The medium goldendoodle is an optimal size for a working or family dog. While the mini goldendoodle is a good travel partner, so is the medium-sized goldendoodle. One of the reasons medium goldendoodles travel so well is that they have an adequate center of gravity. As such, they enjoy long car rides more than mini goldendoodles.
Medium goldendoodles are easy to walk on a leash, enjoy playing outdoors and can still fit pretty easily in a smaller living space. While they weigh more than a mini goldendoodle, it’s still reasonably easy to pick up a medium goldendoodle if need be. This means owners looking for lap love from their doodle can still get it with this larger-sized dog.