All puppies are crying during first nights in new homes due to new environment, new smell, fear, staying without siblings and mother. These are some tips to help the puppy:
- Day exercises: Puppies have a lot of energy, and if they don't get enough physical activity during the day, they may become hyperactive at night.
- Your first step in combating a canine's nighttime stress is to stop offering incentives for inappropriate behavior. Giving comfort each time your dog acts inappropriately only rewards your pup's insecurity. Albright states that another no-no is allowing your dog to sleep in your bed. Although this may be fine for well-adjusted canines, it can reinforce negative feelings if your dog experiences severe anxiety. A better option would be to keep a crate or dog bed by your bed, gradually moving it farther away each night.
- If you have tried multiple tactics, bit still have no luck , consider to visit your vet for calming ads to be prescribed.